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General Questions

This section contains Frequently Asked Questions surrounding the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission and our Land Based and Interactive endeavours.

Where is Kahnawà:ke? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Kahnawà:ke is a community of approximately 8,000 Mohawk (North American Indian) persons located on the south shore of the St. Lawrence River, 20 minutes from Montréal, Canada. The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke presently occupies approximately 20 square miles.

To see a map of the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke, click here.

To read an article entitled “Kahnawà:ke” written by Murray Marshall, the Commission’s previous General Counsel, and published in the Fifth Edition of Internet Gambling Report, click here.

What is the source of the Commission’s authority to license and regulate gaming? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke have consistently and historically asserted sovereignty and jurisdiction over their territory. They have never been defeated in battle and have never entered into a treaty with any government that waives or diminishes their sovereignty.

The Commission’s authority to license and regulate gaming is a facet of the sovereign rights Kahnawà:ke has as a community of Indigenous peoples to govern its own affairs.  In 2007, the Commission’s authority was favourably considered in a decision rendered by the Superior Court of Québec.

For more information about the history of Kahnawà:ke click here.

To read an article entitled “A Compelling Case for the Mohawks of Kahnawà:ke to Conduct, Facilitate and Regulate All Forms of Gaming on its Lands and for the Creation of a Framework for Aboriginal Gaming in Canada” written by Morden C. Lazarus, Lazarus Charbonneau, Attorneys, click here.

In 1985, Canada sold its jurisdiction to “conduct and manage” gaming to the Provinces of Canada for $100,000,000. A copy of the actual 1985 Agreement is posted here.

How and when was the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission established? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission was established on June 10, 1996 pursuant to the provisions of the Kahnawake Gaming Law (MCR No. 26 / 1996-97).

The Commission has been continuously licensing and regulating online gaming since July 8, 1999 – the date on which the Commission enacted its Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming – longer than almost any other jurisdiction in the world.

The Commission is empowered to license and regulate gaming and gaming related activities conducted within and from the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake in accordance with the highest principles of honesty and integrity.

Does the Commission have a relationship with any other regulatory bodies? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission has always understood that, given the global nature of online gaming, it is imperative for regulatory bodies to cooperate with one another.  Section 3 of the Commission’s Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming specifically provide that they may serve as a basis for “harmonization with comparable jurisdictions”.

In 2005 and 2010, the Commission entered into Memoranda of Understanding with the Financial Services Regulatory Commission (“FSRC”) of Antigua and Barbuda.  In 2006, the Commission entered into a similar Memorandum of Understanding with the Lotteries and Gaming Authority (“LGA”) of Malta and in 2010 a Memorandum of Understanding was finalized between the Commission and the Alderney Gambling Control Commission (“AGCC”).

In 2014, the Commission entered into Memoranda of Understanding with the Six Nations Gaming Commission (Ontario, Canada) and the Santa Ysabel Tribal Gaming Commission (California).

Also in 2014, the Commission and the Department of Gaming Enforcement, New Jersey, agreed to a reciprocal information sharing protocol.

In 2015, the Commission entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with Jersey Gambling Commission, Jersey, Channel Islands.

How is the Commission structured? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission is comprised of three members appointed for two year terms by the Commission’s governing body, the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke.

The Commission fulfills its mandate using a combination of in-house personnel, Approved Agents and other professionals that are retained to provide specific advice and services. Click here for a diagram of the Commission’s operational structure.

What sort of gaming activities does the Commission license and regulate? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission licenses and regulates interactive gaming, terrestrial poker rooms, raffles, and electronic gaming devices conducted within the MOHAWK TERRITORY OF Kahnawà:ke.

Pursuant to its Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming, the Commission licenses and regulates various types of interactive gaming, including: casino, poker and sportsbook.

Pursuant to its Regulations concerning Poker Rooms, the Commission licenses and regulates land based poker rooms that are located within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke.

Pursuant to its Regulations concerning Raffles (enacted November 9, 2011; to come into force on January 1, 2012), the Commission authorizes raffles offering a Prize over $5,000.00 that are conducted by Eligible Organizations within THE MOHAWK TERRITORY OF Kahnawà:ke.

Pursuant to its Regulations concerning Electronic Gaming Devices, the Commission licenses and regulates land based Electronic Gaming Devices (EGD’s) that are located within the Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke.

How do I contact the Commission? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

To register a complaint about an interactive gaming site or a land based gaming facility licensed by the Commission: complaints@gamingcommission.ca

To obtain information about applying for a licennse or permit, about the progress of an application that has already been submitted, about an existing license, or for general inquiries: info@gamingcommission.ca

For all other communications:

Mailing Address

Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission
P.O. Box 1799
Route `138
Kahnawake Mohawk Territory, QC J0L 1B0

Telephone: +1-450-635-1076
Fax: +1-450-635-1139

How do I submit a question or complaint to the Commission? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Please send complaints by email to: complaints@gamingcommission.ca or use the form here.

Complaints, queries and investigations are received and reviewed by the Commission in accordance with the procedures set out in Regulations, and where appropriate, with the assistance of professional advisors. Any complaints about a gaming operator holding a permit issued by the Commission can be directed to the Commission. The Commission is committed to responding to complaints promptly. Every attempt will be made to facilitate appropriate solutions between complainants and operators.

What is the Commission’s official logo? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

This is the Commission’s official logo.

This logo must be posted on all sites licensed and regulated by the Commission. This logo is linked to a Certificate of Good Standing, which provides essential information about the interactive gaming site on which the logo is posted.  Click here for more information about the Commission’s Logo Certification Program.

If you find an interactive gaming site that claims to be licensed by the Commission but which does not display this logo, with a Certificate of Good Standing linked to it, please notify the Commission at complaints@gamingcommission.ca.

Poker Room Questions

How many land-based poker rooms are presently licensed and regulated by the Commission? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission licenses and regulates four (4) land-based poker rooms.

To view a list of licensed and regulated poker rooms – Click here

NOTE THAT the Commission is presently not receiving applications for land-based poker rooms.

What games are available in a land-based poker room? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The approved games that may be offered in any poker room that is licensed and regulated by the Commission are:

(a) Hold’Em;
(b) Omaha;
(c) Omaha High-Low;
(d) Seven Card Stud;
(e) Razz (Seven Card Stud Low);
(f) Seven Card Stud High-Low;
(g) Lowball;
(h) Draw High;
(i) Chinese Poker.

WHERE CAN I VIEW THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING POKER ROOMS? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Regulations concerning Poker Rooms can be viewed here.

If I think I have a gambling problem, can I self-exclude myself from a poker room? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission will assist any person who wishes to exclude themselves from a land-based poker room. Please note that a player that self-excludes will be excluded from all gaming activities at a Land Based Gaming Facility, which includes poker rooms and EGD facilities.

To download an English copy of the Comprehensive Self Exclusion Request: Click here  For the French version: Click here

Forms are also available at any licensed poker or EGD room in Kahnawà:ke.

Once self-excluded, a player is not permitted to play in any land-based poker room licensed and regulated by the Commission for a minimum period of 6 months or for second and all subsequent, minimum two years.

Electronic Gaming Devices Questions

HOW MANY EGD ROOMS ARE PRESENTLY LICENSED AND REGUATED BY THE COMMISSION? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission licenses and regulates two (2) EGD Rooms.

To view a list of licensed and regulated poker rooms – Click here

NOTE THAT the Commission is presently not receiving applications for EGD Rooms.

WHERE CAN I FIND THE LATEST RETURN TO PLAYER (RTP) % NUMBERS FOR EACH ROOM? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The latest Return to Player (RTP) % numbers can be found on the Land Based Licensses page. You can also Click Here to view.

IF I THINK I HAVE A PROBLEM, CAN I SELF-EXCLUDE FROM AN EGD ROOM? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes. The Commission will assist any person who wishes to exclude themselves from an EGD Room.

To download an English copy of the Comprehensive Self Exclusion Request: Click here For the French version: Click here

Forms are also available at any licensed EGD or Poker Room in Kahnawà:ke.

Once self-excluded, a player is not permitted to play in any land-based poker or EGD room licensed and regulated by the Commission for a minimum period of 6 months or for second and all subsequent, minimum two years.

WHERE CAN I VIEW A COPY OF THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING ELECTRONIC GAMING DEVICES? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Regulations concerning Electronic Gaming Devices can be viewed here.

Raffle Questions

Why does Kahnawà:ke need Regulations for raffles? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Regulations were developed in response to complaints and concerns that were submitted to the Commission and to the Mohawk Council about unregulated raffles being conducted within Kahnawake. It was decided that there was a need to establish a clear set of rules that would apply to raffles offered within the community – to ensure that raffles were conducted fairly and that proceeds from raffles were used for the benefit of community-based organizations.

The Commission met with the Mohawk Council on several occasions to obtain guidance and to review various drafts of the Regulations.

The Regulations were enacted by the Commission on November 9, 2011 and came into effect on January 1, 2012.

Who do the raffle Regulations apply to? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Every person and organization within Kahnawà:ke, including the Kahnawà:ke Social Clubs. The Regulations do not apply to organizations outside of Kahnawà:ke.

What activities do the raffle Regulations apply to? What do they NOT apply to? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Regulations apply only to raffles – they do NOT apply to lotteries, 50/50 draws or sports pools. The Regulations define “Raffle” as a game where Tickets are sold for a chance to win a Prize (which can be money or an item of value). Winners are determined by drawing a random Ticket or by a random selection of numbers.

Are any raffles exempt from the raffle Regulations? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Yes. Raffles offered by individual Kahnawakeró:non are exempt if the total value of the Prize (or Prizes) is less than $1,000. Raffles offered by Eligible Organizations are exempt if the total value of the Prize (or Prizes) is less than $5,000.

Who can apply for authorization to conduct a raffle? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Only Eligible Organizations can obtain an authorization to conduct a raffle within Kahnawà:ke.

The Regulations defines “Eligible Organization” as “an organization operating in Kahnawà:ke that is recognized by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawà:ke and the Commission as an organization that operates on a non-profit basis and that has as its primary purpose a sporting, cultural, charitable or community-oriented objective. For greater certainty, an individual, group of individuals or organization whose primary objective is to operate a Raffle is not an Eligible Organization”.

How does an Eligible Organization apply for a Raffle Authorization? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

An application for Raffle Authorization, and all related forms, are available online at www.gamingcommission.ca or at the offices of the Commission at the Kahnawà:ke Office Complex, 2006 Old Malone Highway, Kahnawà:ke Mohawk Territory, J0L 1B0.

Where can I get a copy of the Regulations concerning Raffles? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

A copy of the Regulations concerning Raffles can viewed by clicking here.

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Interactive Gaming Questions

What sort of online gaming activities does the Commission license and regulate? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Pursuant to its Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming, the Commission licenses and regulates various types of interactive gaming, including: casino, poker and sportsbook.

How many Authorized Client Providers are presently licensed and regulated by the Commission? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The list of Authorized Client Providers (CPA’s), changes on a regular basis.

To view the CPA list by Operator


As a player, how do I know that I will be treated fairly at an interactive gaming site licensed and regulated by the Commission? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Commission will only issue and/or maintain the validity of a CPA when it has determined that:

  • The company and persons that own and operate the interactive gaming site are of good character, honesty and integrity. To this end, the Commission uses the services of its Approved Agents: See Approved Agents.
  • The software (including the Random Number Generator, where applicable) and systems used by by the interactive gaming site have been thoroughly tested to ensure accuracy and fairness. To this end, the Commission uses the services of one or more of its Approved Agents.
  • The software and systems used by the interactive gaming site are comprehensively audited on an annual basis by at least one of the Commission’s Approved Agents.

How do I apply for a Client Provider Authorization and Key Person License? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Click here for a complete, step-by-step guide to applying for a CPA and a KPL.

WHERE CAN I VIEW A COPY OF THE REGULATIONS CONCERNING INTERACTIVE GAMING? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

The Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming can be viewed here.

How is an application processed? Open icon icon that represents the state of the summary

Click here for a complete, step-by-step diagram of the Commission’s application process.

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Important News

Interactive Gaming


For immediate release ADVISORY NOTICE TRUE NORTH – SUSPENSION OF CLIENT PROVIDER AUTHORIZATION (MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWAKE – December 23, 2024) – Pursuant to a Show Cause Notice issued by the Kahnawake Gaming Commission to True North, the Client Provider Authorization held by True North was suspended effective December 23,…

Interactive Gaming


ADVISORY NOTICE For immediate release VIP ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGIES INC. – REVOCATION OF CLIENT PROVIDER AUTHORIZATION (MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWAKE – December 19, 2024) – Pursuant to a Resolution issued by the Commission to VIP Entertainment Technologies Inc. (“VIP”), the Client Provider Authorization held by VIP was revoked effective December 18,…

Read Recognition of Kahnawake's Gaming Industry at Judiciary Committee Hearing on Sports Betting

Recognition of Kahnawake's Gaming Industry at Judiciary Committee Hearing on Sports Betting

On December 17, 2024, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on sports betting in Washington, DC. IC360's Advisor Dave Rebuck acknowledged the Mohawks of Kahnawake at this hearing: https://www.youtube.com/live/lnItelOlluk?si=-BdZfioalmBcXbZz&t=3329 IC360 is a KGC approved agent. Dave Rebuck was the Director of the Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE) in New…