2024 Player Self-Limitation and Self-Exclusion Summary
For immediate release
2024 Player Self-Limitation and Self-Exclusion Summary
(MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWAKE – January 29, 2025) – The Kahnawake Gaming Commission (the “Commission”) has issued its 2024 Player Self-Limitation and Self-Exclusion Summary, providing detailed statistics concerning the number of inquiries received and addressed by the Commission from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024.
As part of the Commission’s continuing commitment to player protection, sections 293 – 328 of the Commission’s Regulations Concerning Interactive Gaming provide a comprehensive model for player self-limitation and self-exclusion.
The Commission’s website includes a dedicated self-exclusion page, email address, and on-line form that allow easier access for those players who want to be excluded from playing on any online gaming website that is licensed and regulated by the Commission.
Players who have acknowledged their online gaming activities have become a problem and who wish to either limit their play or to permanently exclude themselves from participating in further online gaming activities may do so in two (2) ways:
- By submitting a request directly to the operator(s) of an online gaming site a player can self-exclude or establish deposit limits – including a “zero” deposit limit – from that particular site. The player’s request has effect upon its receipt by the operator, or as soon as is practicable thereafter;
- By submitting a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Request form – Schedule “M” to the Commission, which can be sent to exclusion@gamingcommission.ca. After verifying the player’s request and identity, the Commission will take steps to have the player permanently excluded from all of the online gaming sites that are licensed and regulated by the Commission.
- When a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Request – Schedule “M” is submitted to the Commission, a Compliance Officer will contact the requestor to verify his or her information and identity and/or to request further information to proceed with his or her request.
If the request concerns a specific operator licensed by the Commission, the request will be forwarded to the appropriate operator to be implemented. Once the self-limitation or self-exclusion request has been implemented, the operator will notify the requestor and the Commission with the date upon which implementation was completed.
If the self-exclusion request is in relation to all online gaming sites that are licensed by the Commission, a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Directive signed by the Commission Chairman is emailed to all current licensees with a specific date and time by which all licensees must permanently exclude the requestor from accessing, depositing funds and from playing on any gaming system that is operated by the licensee and licensed by the Commission.
The Commission will contact the requestor to confirm, in writing, the date and time at which their self-exclusion request was put into effect. Players are advised to notify the Commission immediately if any online gaming site licensed by the Commission does not respect the terms of a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Directive.
In summary, for the period covering January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024, nine hundred and twenty-three (923) submissions from players inquiring about or requesting to be self-excluded were received. The breakdowns of the requests are as follows:
- 7 request pertained to requests for deposit limits and were thus forwarded to the appropriate site and executed by the operator.
- 32 requests pertained to the closing of accounts and were thus forwarded to the appropriate site and executed by the operator.
- 7 requests pertained to a player requesting their account be re-opened and were thus forwarded to the appropriate site and executed by the operator.
Of the remaining eight hundred and seventy-seven (877) addressable Self-Exclusion requests, the breakdown is as follows:
- 201 Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Directives were issued and forwarded to all licensees of the Commission.
- 13 requests to revoke a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion which was denied by the licensee at which the account was held.
- 634 requests are pending due to incomplete information, for which the Commission has requested additional information.
- 29 requests for temporary self-exclusion or cooling off period for which the Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming does not provide. Players did not seek permanent self-exclusion.
A table summarizing these statistics can be viewed here
About Kahnawake
The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawake is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Kahnawake Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online and land-based gaming within Kahnawake since that time.
For more information about the Commission, go to: www.gamingcommission.ca. To contact the Commission, email: info@gamingcommission.ca