(MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWÀ:KE – 16 August 2017) – The Commission has amended its Regulations concerning Interactive Gaming (the “Regulations”) to add the following provisions.
- 299A. When a player indicates by any means of communication to an Authorized Client Provider’s representative that he or she wants to be excluded from playing on the Authorized Client Provider’s site, the Authorized Client Provider must immediately:
- (a) provide the player information as to how he or she can submit a Direct Self-Exclusion Request pursuant to section 298 or a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Request pursuant to section 301;
- (b) advise the player that his or her account will be suspended for twenty-four (24) hours to allow the player time to submit a Direct Self-Exclusion Request pursuant to section 298 or a Comprehensive Self-Exclusion Request pursuant to section 301; and
- (c) suspend the player’s account for twenty-four (24) hours.
- 299B. For the purposes of section 299A, a player will be deemed to have indicated his or her intentions to be self-excluded when the player uses, in a communication with an Authorized Client Provider representative, any word or phrase that a reasonable person would understand to mean that the player wishes to be self-excluded. For greater certainty, a player has no obligation to provide the Authorized Client Provider a reason or explanation for his or her request to be self-excluded.
- 299C. Authorized Client Providers must ensure that all representatives who interact with players are aware of the requirements of sections 298, 299, 299A, 299B, 300, 301 and 302.
Pursuant to section 390 of the Regulations, any breach of the foregoing provisions may, in addition to any other sanctions imposed by the Commission, result in a fine for each instance of such breach of not less than One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dollars and not more than Twenty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars.
About Kahnawà:ke
The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montréal, Québec, Canada. The Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online and land-based gaming within Kahnawà:ke since that time.
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