(MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWÀ:KE – July 03, 2012) – An article published in the local media on June 29th contained a number of factual errors that the Commission wishes to correct.
The Commission was not recently reappointed. Rather, one (1) member of the Commission (Melanie Mayo) was reappointed for a two (2) year term.
The Commission is not appointed on an annual basis. Individual Commission members serve two (2) year mandates that are staggered to ensure continuity.
The Commission was first established pursuant to the provisions of the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Law (the “Law”) in 1996, not 1994.
Section 13.1 of the Law provides as follows:
13.1 Members of the Commission will serve a term of office of two (2) years.
Section 10.1 of the Law provides as follows:
10.1 Until such time as a Commission is elected pursuant to the provisions of this Mohawk Law, a body of not less than three (3) and not more than nine (9) persons appointed by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawá:ke will function as an interim Commission. The interim Commission will have all of the powers and duties provided by this Mohawk Law to the Commission.
About Kahnawà:ke
The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online gaming since July, 1999.
For more information about the Commission, go to:
To contact the Commission, email:
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