(MOHAWK TERRITORY OF KAHNAWÀ:KE – April 3, 2013) – This is to advise that, effective March 20, 2013, the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission has amended Schedule “A” of its Regulations concerning Poker Rooms to add Flush (also known as “Teen Pathi” or “Three Card Brag”) as an Approved Game for all Poker Rooms that are licensed and regulated by the Commission.
Within the next three (3) months the Commission will review this decision to ensure the addition of Flush has not resulted in any concerns or problems.
For the complete list of Approved Games refer to Poker Schedule A (PDF).
About Kahnawà:ke
The Mohawk Territory of Kahnawà:ke is a sovereign jurisdiction located just outside Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission was established in 1996 and has been continuously licensing and regulating online and land-based gaming within Kahnawà:ke since that time.
For more information about the Commission, go to: www.gamingcommission.ca.
To contact the Commission, email: info@gamingcommission.ca
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